• Português
  • Amanda Faria de Figueiredo MSc, PhD

    Positions and Honors

    – Post-Doctorate from the National Cancer Institute (INCA-RJ) and the Friederich-Schiller-Universitat – Jena, Germany

    –  PhD degree from the Program in Oncology of the National Cancer Institute (INCA-RJ), partially developed at the Friederich-Schiller-Universitat- Jena, Germany, in the CAPES/DAAD “Sandwich” modality.

    – Master’s degree (MSc) in Biological Sciences from the Carlos Chagas Filho Institute of Biophysics – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

    – Degree in Biological Sciences (certified for teaching and bachelor’s degree) from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ)

    Main research areas

    • Molecular genetics of acute childhood leukemias
    • Molecular cytogenetics, genetic diagnosis and gene expression

    Main Publications

    1. DE FIGUEIREDO, AMANDA F.; LAND, MARCELO G. P.; FERREIRA, GERSON M.; MENCALHA, ANDRE; Binato, Renata ; CAPELA DE MATOS, ROBERTO R.; Liehr, Thomas ; SILVA, MARIA LUIZA M.; ABDELHAY, Eliana . Clinical and biological correlates of the expression of select Polycomb complex genes in Brazilian children with acute promyelocytic leukaemia. BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2020.

    2. NEY GARCIA, DANIELA R.; DE SOUZA, MARIANA T.; DE FIGUEIREDO, AMANDA F.; OTHMAN, MONEEB A. K. ; RITTSCHER, KATHARINA ; ABDELHAY, Eliana ; CAPELA DE MATOS, ROBERTO R.; MEYER, CLAUS ; MARSCHALEK, ROLF ; LAND, MARCELO G. P. ; Liehr, Thomas ; Ribeiro, Raul C. ; Silva, Maria Luiza Macedo . Molecular characterization of fusion partner genes in 13 cases of pediatric leukemia with complex or cryptic karyotypes. HEMATOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY, v. 6, p. epub2016, 2016.

    3. Silva, M.L.M.; BINATO, RENATA; MEYER, C ; SILVA, M.L.M. ; FIGUEIREDO, A. F.; GARCIA, D. R. N. ; HOFMANN, JULIA; VIEIRA, TARSIS PAIVA; ABDELHAY, ELIANA ; MARSCHALEK, R. . Analyzing acute leukemia patients with complex MLL rearrangements by a sequential LDI-PCR approach. CANCER LETTERS, v. 338, p. 249-254, 2013.

    4. FIGUEIREDO, A. F.; Binato, R. ; MENCALHA, A. L. ; RIBEIRO, R. ; Ribeiro, R ; SILVA, M. L. M. ; Abdelhay, E. . Expression Profiling Of Selected Polycomb Complex Genes In Childhood Acute Myeloid Leukemia Revealed An Overexpression Of EZH2 In Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia. BLOOD, v. 122, p. 4895-4895, 2013.

    5. FIGUEIREDO, A. F.; Vieira, Tarsis Paiva ; Liehr, Thomas ; Bhatt, Samarth ; de Souza, Mariana Tavares ; Binato, Renata ; Marques-Salles, Terezinha de Jesus ; Carboni, Edna ; Ribeiro, Raul C. ; Silva, Maria Luiza Macedo ; ABDELHAY, E. . A rare cryptic and complex rearrangement leading to MLL-MLLT10 gene fusion masked by del(10)(p12) in a child with acute monoblastic leukemia (AML-M5). LEUKEMIA RESEARCH, v. 36, p. e74-e77, 2012.

    6. CAPELA DE MATOS, ROBERTO R.; Tavares De Souza, Mariana; FERREIRA, GERSON M.; de Figueiredo, A.F.; LAND, M ; Macedo Silva, Maria Luiza . Cytogenetics and Molecular Cytogenetics. 1a. ed. , 2022. v. 1, p. 328, CRC press.